PayPal Payment Gateway Updates

Payments Posts

Virtual Hosting Company has updated some of the Payment Method options we utilize for our Billing System.  These updates include changes to the PayPal Payment Gateway.  Clients that have been using PayPal, upon making a new payment, will be automatically updated to the new PayPal Payment Gateway system.

Why are you changing how PayPal handles payments for Virtual Hosting Company?

We're updating the way that we integrate with PayPal to utilize PayPal's Vaulting features.  This change updates the way that we integrate with PayPal, and how they securely store your stored payment details.

What Does This Mean For Me?

If you're using PayPal, it means that you may have an additional step or two when your next invoice comes due.  It also means that you may receive an e-mail from PayPal related to a previous subscription being cancelled.  This is an automated e-mail that PayPal generates and sends out because of the update.

What if I'm not using PayPal?

If you're not using PayPal, this has no impact on you.  This changes is only for the PayPal Payment Gateway.