IRC Provisioning System - Addon Change Log
IRC Provisioning System - Addon 5.0 (In Development)
[+] Updated the Protocols used to give an option for API-based communication with the IRC Provisioning System vs using SQL Database Calls.
[+] Re-created report calls to utilize options for either API or HTML output, allowing real-time responses to commands being issued by the WHMCS System.
[+] Added information details to the ConfigServers page, including system information, active account details, and links to the ZNC System..
[+] Updated functional calls for acquiring details from the database to use the revised methods offered within WHMCS.
[*] Changed the Widget 'Last Connection' timing to show the time vs date and time (as long as it's within the last 24 hours).
[*] Changed the Widget 'Last Connection' time display to show single digitl hour (unless there are two digits in the hour) vs two digits all the time.
[+] Recreated the Widget functionality using updated methods within WHMCS.
[*] Added the Queue option to the Widget, with a link to get the Specific Servers' queue.
[*] Added General Information about hte Module, Addon, and System-wide Queue.
[+] Updated the Daily, Weekly, Monthly e-mail notifications.
[+] Added Dark Mode E-mail formatting.
[+] Added Login Notification System implementation through WHMCS e-mail notification methods, including using the Company-wide configuration for Mail formatting.
[*] Updated navigation sidebar.
[+] Added Encryption for the API Calls.
[+] Added Individual Encryption Key support on a per-Client basis for the API Calls.
[*] Updated Configuration Options under Addons.
[*] Updated output of Licensing Details to provide textual reading to eliminate confusion with numeric representation across different geographical locations.
[*] Updated Daily/Weekly/Monthly Cron messages to provide more details.
[+] Added Internal Functions for handling database operations for the Usage Records.
[*] Updated internal functions for navigation.
[+] Added Manage Queue functions to the Show Queue page for direct removal of individual records.
[+] Added ability to show individual Server Queue.
IRC Provisioning System - Addon 4.5
[*] Adjusted the Servers Widget to change color of Servers that haven't connected to 2 hours from 24 hours.
[-] Corrected an issue with the Client Configuration details -- Server Name was showing vs Hostname on the ZNC Configuration.
IRC Provisioning System - Addon 4.4
[+] Added Check Update - This will check the latest version information.
IRC Provisioning System - Addon 4.1.2
[+] Adjusted reporting for IRC Bouncers when Suspended.
IRC Provisioning System - Addon 4.1
[+] Added Alertbox for Widget / Server Report if time lapse since the last update is greater than 24 hours.
[+] Added additional information to the Navigation-related to Licensing and Plugins.
[+] Added support for the new Login Notification System Plugin.
[-] Fixed but in the System Queue output information.
[-] Updated Admin Widget to run from the correct location.
[*] Improved internal security / variable handling.
[*] Re-structured visuals for Client interface details.
IRC Provisioning Addon 4.0
[+] Updated Design/Structure for Future Upgrades
[+] Added Breadcrumbs to Navigation.
[+] Updated Server Details page - Added Last Connection time and ServerClient Version.
[+] User Summary updated to include more details.
[+] Package Summary updated to include more details.
[+] Usage Details updated to include more details.
[+] Account Summary updated to include more details.
[+] Changelog Layout.
[+] Fixed issue with Package Details listing
[+] Updated Package Details to reflect the core Package capacity as well as the per-user usage.
[+] Updated Queue to reflect User and Server information vs raw data.
[+] Corrected issue with CONFIG details.
IRC Provisioning Addon 2.0
[+] Server Licensing Check System
[+] Package Listing Report now identifies if an item is Retired.
[+] Addon Default Page updated to reflect information about the Addon as well as a Summary of the system status.
[+] Added License Reload link to the Addon Menu. This will come into play when users upgrade or downgrade the number of servers they want to support.
[-] Fixed an issue with the Version Response (v1.4 still showed v1.3).
[+] Fixed an issue with the licensing not reporting properly on the Addon Information Page.
[-] Fixed last update time to reflect a readable time.
[-] Main License check issue resolved.
[-] Package Listing Report will omit packages that are retired that have 0 active and 0 suspended clients.
[-] ZNC Accounts now list details in the Package Summary and User Summary Pages.
[-] ZNC Accounts have the Package Summary link in the User Summary page.
[-] User Summary page now includes the Last Login time.
[+] Updated formatting for the Menubar listing so that it properly reflects/spaces without any blank areas.
IRC Provisioning Addon 1.4
[+] Upgrade Support added.
[-] Updated Configuration Settings on Server Information page to reflect updated settings for ZNC.
IRC Provisioning Addon 1.3
[-] Adjusted sidebar output to reflect more accurate links.
[+] Added the Hooks System to automate Reporting Systems.
[-] Fixed typo in formatting for Server Summary.
[-] Fixed the User Details report showing inactive services.
[+] Added Package Details to break down a list of the current user information for active packages.
[+] Added System Details to break down a list of active services per server.
IRC Provisioning Addon 1.0
[+] Added new table for usage to stop utilizing tblhosting due to problems with usage reports on the admin side.
[+] Added new User Summary page.
[+] Added new Usage Details page for individual Packages.
[+] Added new User Account Details page to outline all IRC Provisioning based account details for a client.
IRC Provisioning Addon 0.9
[-] Fixed a problem with the License Management System.
[+] Added the ServerClient Configuration link under Server Summary to make creation of the configuration.php file easier.
IRC Provisioning Addon 0.8
[*] Improved Security to prevent SQL Injection.
IRC Provisioning Addon 0.7
[+] Added Product Summary Reports (lists Products with IRC Provisioning Enabled,
[+] Added Basic Reporting (debug enabled)
[+] Added Summary Reports (By Product, By Server)
[+] Added Changelog
[+] Added Sidebar Navigation