IRC Provisioning System - Client Change Log

IRC Provisioning System - Client 5.0 (In Development)

[+]  Renamed ServerClient to Client.

[+]  Updated the protocols being used to connect via a new API system vs through SQL Database queries. This change will allow the hardening of the SQL Server to prevent unwanted access to the database.

[-]  Fixed an initial design issue used in the new Update Details system.

[+]  Updated method for Login Notification to use the new API system vs through SQL Database queries.

[-]  Fixed an issue with the Password Change function.

[+]  Added Encryption for the API Calls.

[+]  Added Individual Encryption Key support on a per-Client basis for the API Calls.

[-]  Updated the method used to identify if a user exists to ensure that it only captures the specified user, vs previously potentially catching a uuser with the prefix including this username.

[+]  Updated the design used for Updating Usage Details on a per-user basis.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.5

[+]  Added the local logfile for tracking tasks performed.

[+]  Added configuration.php setting to set the timezone (for reporting purposes).

[-]  License Reset no longer requires a SQL Database Connection.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.4

[+]  Added [CheckUpdate] - This will check the latest version information.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.3

[-]  Fixed issue with Licensing.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.2

[-]  Fixed issues password association on Activate User.

[-]  Fixed issues password association on Change Password.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.1.4

[-]  Fixed issues with alarm notifications.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.1.3

[+]  PHP 8.2 support added.

[+]  Debian 12 support added.

[-]  Fixed issues with alarm notifications.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.1.2

[+]  Adjusted reporting for IRC Bouncers when Suspended.

[-]  Fixed issues with DEBUG mode on ZNC Connection logging.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.1.1

[-]  Corrected issue with process count on login on CentOS systems.

IRC Provisioning System - ServerClient 4.1

[+]  Debian 11 / Bullseye Support.

[+]  PHP 7.x Support.

[+]  PHP 8.1 Support.

[+]  PHP MySQLi Support, Keeping legacy PHP MySQL Support.

[+]  Added Signature from WHMCS to Notification E-mails.

[+]  Added function comments to the back end for easier review and updates by the Virtual Hosting Company Development Team.

[+]  Added function to properly mark the Distribution / OS in the WHMCS Adon and Server Reports.

[+]  Updated command functions to allow a single system call for multiple commands. I.e. php serverclient.php Provision Usage to run both the Provision and Usage commands.

[-]  Corrected error handling when missing the PHP file.

[-]  Corrected CSS issue for Notifying Users of overages.

[-]  Corrected issue with Update Usage that was incorrectly referencing a SQL Query.

[-]  Corrected issue with the Single System Call with Debugging requests.

[-]  Corrected issue with the ZNC Config File Check.

[*]  Improved internal security / variable handling.

[*]  Updated internal structure and operation.

[*]  Updated internal block users list.

[*]  Updated methodology used for ZNC Provisioning calls.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 4.0

[+]  Changed method for Suspend/Unsuspend to utilize an updated lockout method.

[+]  Updated SuspendUser to remove CRONTAB entries.

[+]  Redesigned the methodology used for ZNC Provisioning.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 2.0

[+]  Server Licensing Check System

[+]  HTML Formatting Improvement for Messages

[+]  Automatic Updating of Records for ZNC Connections

[-]  Fixed invalid formatting / link missing on Product ID in Daily Report.

[-]  Fixed an issue with the Daily report not retrieving infomration properly due to an invalid MySQL Resource issue.

[-]  Fixed an issue with License Check system not catching the local license file for checks.

[+]  Updated Command Listing to use new formatting/naming convention to make things easier to understand. (Backwards compatibility with previous commands for similar commands has been maintained).

[+]  Fixed an issue with a terminated user file not being relocated as it should.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 1.3

[+]  Reporting system is now working properly. Reports are designed to send out daily, check for overuse (based on the provisioned account settings, and generate Overuse notices (e-mail to the client, and open a support ticket via the HelpDesk).

[-]  Terminated users were not processed properly. Processes weren't stopped, files were not removed. This has been fixed.

[-]  Fixed an issue with the Timezone. Moving forward, if no timezone is set, time is set as America\New_York. To fix this, use PHP to set your date (or .htaccess).

[-]  Automatic Install for software is working.

[-]  Daily report system now includes details such as Server Name, OS, RAM, Software Versions (PHP, SQL, etc).

[-]  New function for handling Overuse (overages).

[-]  New function for getting the signature of the Company for adding to Support Tickets.

[-]  New function for getting the URL used by the Company for linking to SUpport Tickets.

[-]  New function for getting the Support Department E-mail for notices regarding tickets.

[-]  New function for finding the right OS for the Reporting system.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 1.0

[-]  Adjusted UsageUpdate to reflect new format/table.

[+]  Added UsageUpdate check to clear old Usage table placement.

[+]  Added Alerts System to notify the initial admin on the WHMCS Install.

[+]  Added InstallApp System for Eggdrop and EnergyMech for IRC Accounts.

[+]  Added InstallApp System for Bahamut for IRCd Accounts.

[+]  Added InstallApp System for UnrealIRCd for IRCd Accounts. This IRCd does not support auto-compile, but will put the files for UnrealIRCd in the user account.

[+]  Added List of Available Commands when calling the ServerClient.php system. Note: Blank will return the list. An invalid command will return an error and the list.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 0.9

[*]  Improved Security to prevent SQL Injection.

[-]  Removed reference to outdated configuration settings.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 0.8

[*]  Improved Security to prevent SQL Injection.

IRC Provisioning ServerClient 0.7

[-]  Fixed issue with attributes for clients.

[+]  Added ability to change attributes on file for changing during ChangePackage.